Everyday Equity
About Everyday Equity
Equity is “fair and just access to opportunity for all.” Metro Transit already helps people to reach opportunities – but there is always more to do. Everyday Equity is a new initiative to enhance how we do business by removing barriers to opportunity, so everyone can “get where they want to go.”
Everyday Equity is part of a larger initiative of the Metropolitan Council. It stems from Thrive MSP 2040, the regional plan that the Metropolitan Council adopted in 2014. Equity is identified as a key outcome in Thrive MSP 2040.
“Equity connects all residents to opportunity and creates
viable housing, transportation,and recreation options
for people of all races, ethnicities, incomes, and abilities
so that all communities share the opportunities
and challenges of growth and change.”
– Thrive 2040
Everyday Equity Team
In 2015, Metro Transit selected 12 employees for the Everyday Equity Team. The mission of the team is to identify and remove barriers that community members, customers, and employees face. The Everyday Equity Team regularly recommends solutions to Metro Transit leadership that will lead to more equitable outcomes.
> Meet the 2017 Everyday Equity team
> Find out about Everyday Equity's Current Initiatives