How We Roll celebrates Metro Transit employees who use transit and other forms of sustainable transportation to get around. Read more How We Roll Q&As here.
How do you get to work?
Depending on my work location, I take a variety of routes and modes. If I'm working at Heywood, I usually take the 6. If I have to go check on a project at Franklin Avenue Station, I'll take the 2 from my house near the Franklin Avenue and Hennepin Avenue intersection or the 67 from Transfer Road. If I need to go to Transfer Road, I can take the 2 to the 67. Those are my main routes to work. Sometimes in the morning I drop my kids off at their daycare using the 17.
Why do you choose to commute that way?
I like walking to my bus stop, being in community, being on a bus with other people whom I don't know. It's a fun way to get to know the neighborhood. My daughters, who are 2 and 5, absolutely love it. So, when we are able to take the bus to school or pick them up and take them to their grandma's, they are very excited. They love going to the part of the bus in the back that's high up above the wheels so they can see the city. They like greeting the bus driver and meeting other passengers.
Why do you ride transit?
Generally, it's really important for me to take a variety of routes so I understand our work and how it impacts people and ways to improve facilities. I also like to avoid driving as much as possible because I think it puts a toll on me, due to the stress and physical strain of it.
How do you use sustainable modes in your personal life?
As a family, we often travel to the library, parks, and lakes on the bus, particularly when there are events or popular destinations. It's much easier and often faster when you figure in traffic and circling around looking for parking. I also try to walk as much as possible, particularly to the grocery store or other spots in my neighborhood. I am not a big exercise person, so I find if I can make my transportation more active, I feel healthier. In addition to transit, I like to bike when I can. Last summer, I started using e-scooters and e-bikes. I think they're convenient and fun. This year, my goal is to try out some e-bikes with seating for kids to further reduce our reliance on vehicles.