Thursday, January 1, 2015 2:08:00 PM
Benefits Administrator

JoAnn Fetsch began her career at Metro Transit in 1970, working in Payroll at Nicollet Garage. She later moved to Benefits, which were her true passion. When Benefits moved from Finance to Human Resources, she moved departments. Throughout her career, Fetsch made it her business to help each and every employee, active or retired, who called on her for help. She was a straight talker with a heart of gold. Fetsch was also an active participant in her union, encouraging employees to get involved. Fetsch retired in January 2015 after nearly 45 years of service. If it was up to her, she would still be working and helping employees. Unfortunately, Fetsch passed away just a few months after her retirement. She will be remembered for all the dedication and support she gave to employees. Her heart was always true to Metro Transit down to the very end.