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Rider's Almanac Blog

From GM Lesley Kandaras From the GM Safety Safety and Security Action Plan

Listening Sessions Tour: Invaluable conversations help shape public safety on transit, service

Posted by | Tuesday, September 3, 2024 1:25:00 PM

Thank you to everyone who shared valuable feedback with leaders during our second Listening Sessions Tour (August 16-26). At each stop along the way, we heard valuable feedback about our ongoing efforts to improve public safety on transit. 

“It was encouraging to hear from several riders who are seeing progress in our efforts to improve conditions on the system,” General Manager Lesley Kandaras said. “However, we also heard about experiences that underscore that we have more work ahead of us to provide a consistently safe, welcoming experience for everyone. This is why we are continuing to act with urgency to advance our Safety & Security Action Plan.” 

Reflecting on his experience, Chief Operating Officer Brian Funk said it was rewarding to share more about plans to continue improving conditions on the system. “I am grateful to all the riders who attended these listening sessions to provide real, honest feedback that will be used to shape the future of our expanding transit system,” he said. 

Immediate next steps include:

  • Expanding our official presence on transit by bringing on more Transit Rider Investment Program (TRIP) Agents, police officers, and community service officers (join us!).
  • Continued efforts to hire the operators and maintenance staff needed to expand service and proactively address conditions at stations and on vehicles. 
  • Strengthening partnerships with service providers and community groups who can help address issues like substance abuse disorders that become visible on transit. 

A third Listening Sessions Tour will include events at Brooklyn Center Transit Center, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Terminal 1-Lindberg Station to hear from travelers, and also make it a focus to listen to the experiences of Northstar customers.

Tour Schedule 

  • Friday, September 20 
    3:30 – 5 p.m. at Brooklyn Center Transit Center

  • Wednesday, September 25 
    6 – 7:30 a.m. at MSP Terminal 1-Lindberg Station

  • Wednesday, October 9 
    6 – 7:30 a.m. at Target Field Station

  • Friday, October 11 
    5 – 6:30 p.m. at Mall of America Transit Station

In the meantime, please contact us any time at [email protected].

And remember, if you see or experience something we should respond to more immediately use our Text for Safety service to reach someone right away