Progress continues on several arterial Bus Rapid Transit lines that will bring more reliable service and an improved customer experience to some of the region’s busiest transit corridors.
Arterial BRT lines feature stations with lighted and heated shelters, ticket machines and real-time signs. Service is sped up by spacing stops further apart and by using technology that gives buses a better chance of getting a green light at intersections.
Station construction along the METRO D Line corridor resumed this spring and is ongoing at several locations along Chicago Avenue (above). Construction of the final new stations to be built will begin later this summer. The D Line will substantially replace Route 5, operating between the Brooklyn Center Transit Center and Mall of America. Service is scheduled to begin in December.
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The Metropolitan Council on Wednesday endorsed the Final Corridor Plan for the METRO E Line, which will operate along a corridor now served by Route 6. The plan outlines the route and locations of 34 stations that will be built along the corridor, which runs from the University of Minnesota to the Southdale Transit Center. After engineering, construction is planned to begin in 2024.
For updates, subscribe to the E Line Update
Design is advancing for stations and other improvements on the METRO B Line, which will serve the Route 21 corridor. Construction will begin next year, with service beginning in 2024. An online open house providing station design updates and opportunities to ask questions to project staff will be held on Tuesday, July 12 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Feedback will also be collected via a 24/7 online open house available on the B Line website.
For updates, subscribe to the B Line Update