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Rider's Almanac Blog

The MT 10

10 Questions with Metro Transit - Anthony

Posted by Drew Johnson | Wednesday, July 3, 2024 9:52:00 AM

We hear and learn from our actual customers as they answer our "10 Questions with Metro Transit!" Today we meet Anthony!

Want to share your answers to the “10 Questions” with us? We are making this a recurring feature in the Connect email newsletter and Rider’s Almanac blog as a fun way to feature and learn from our customers. Send an email with “10 Questions” in the subject line to [email protected]. Submission does not guarantee publication. We’ll be in touch!

How long have you been riding the bus or train?

35 years. Grew up in Robbinsdale riding the 14.

How often do you ride?


Favorite route(s)?

The 21, 14, 94 to my first real job as a page in 1993 at the State Capital.

Why do you ride transit? (ok to have many reasons!)

Because I need to get around town.

What you wish “first-timers” knew? (pro tips)

Riders Code of Conduct and to have patience.

Favorite destination? (not necessarily work, school or shopping related)

Robbinsdale Transit Center since it brings back memories of growing up there.

What do we (Metro Transit) get right?

Getting people where they need to go. A good bunch of patient drivers. An overall clean ride on most buses and trains.

What can we improve?

Punctuality. More community outreach, especially regarding the TAP program.

Favorite onboard memory?

Accidentally riding the wrong direction with my best friend Ryan at age 16. A lifelong memory captured that day. 

Favorite movie about transit?

Always (1989) Spielberg.