Posted by Drew Johnson |
Thursday, May 2, 2024 11:02:00 AM

We hear and learn from our actual customers as they answer our "10 Questions with Metro Transit!" Today we meet Henry!
Want to share your answers to the “10 Questions” with us? We are making this a recurring feature in the Connect email newsletter and Rider’s Almanac blog as a fun way to feature and learn from our customers. Send an email with “10 Questions” in the subject line to [email protected]. Submission does not guarantee publication. We’ll be in touch!
How long have you been riding the bus or train?
50 years
How often do you ride?
Once or twice a week.
Favorite route(s)?
17, 18, 11, METRO Blue Line
Why do you ride transit? (ok to have many reasons!)
It’s safe and accommodates my wheelchair.
What you wish “first-timers” knew? (pro tips)
There are many prices, like senior or free, and with one fare payment you can transfer free, even to return home, NexTrip and trip planner.
Favorite destination? (not necessarily work, school or shopping related)
Downtown or Isles or Kwa Maki Ska.
What do we (Metro Transit) get right?
Buses and trains are usually on schedule.
What can we improve?
Signage in a construction area is sometimes missing or confusing (currently on Lake Street).
Favorite onboard memory?
I have many good experiences with friends and strangers.
Favorite movie about transit?
Airplane! Or Murder on the Orient Express.