We hear and learn from our actual customers as they answer our "10 Questions with Metro Transit!" Today we meet Rissa!
How long have you been riding the bus or train?
I've been riding the bus/trains since I first moved to Minneapolis in 2016. I've certainly stepped up my transit game in the last few years, though!
How often do you ride?
For two years, I commuted to work every weekday on the 2. These days, I commute via bus 1-3 times per week (plus rides on weekends)!
Favorite route(s)?
I'm a Northeast girl, so the 2 and the 10 are absolutely essential for me. The Blue Line makes it so easy for me to get to the airport, so that's a favorite as well.
Why do you ride transit?
Riding transit helps me feel connected to my community and definitely has improved my sense of navigation in the Cities. It's better for the environment and better for my mental health; car commuting and traffic can make me so crabby! Finally, on cold mornings, it's so nice just to get on a warm bus (rather than de-icing my windshield and shivering in my car for the first half of my commute to work). I love not worrying about where to park or assigning a designated driver if I'd like to enjoy a drink.
What you wish “first-timers” knew?
It's easier than ever to take transit since most major navigation apps have transit schedules built in now. When I first started riding the bus, I was so intimidated by all the maps and schedule timetables, but now everything is so integrated into my navigation app. Additionally, if someone is nervous about taking transit, I can say I've noticed a huge improvement in safety & security on buses/trains and at stops in recent months. I'm rarely, if ever, worried about my safety on transit.
Favorite destination?
I love taking transit to the St. Anthony Main area. It's so pretty year-round, and the restaurants and movie theater down there are some of my favorite small businesses in the Cities.
What does Metro Transit get right?
The buses are always clean and the drivers are always skilled, efficient, and friendly. I never worry about getting to my destination safely, no matter the weather. I'm also so excited about the new fare rates for 2025! I'm hopeful that, without increased Rush Hour rates, more people will choose to join me in commuting by bus.
What can we improve?
Infrastructure at stops is so critical! I am not disabled, but some of my disabled friends and neighbors could use shade, a place to sit, or a warmer in the winter to make waiting for transit more comfortable. Current infrastructure is awesome, but I'd love to see it expanded.
Favorite onboard memory?
One bright, cold, sunny morning my husband and I had just caught an early flight back to Minneapolis from a visit over the holidays. In the terminal at MSP, we saw a friend who'd just flown in from Chicago and we all got to ride the Blue Line together towards home and chat about our trips. Travel can be so alienating and irritating, but that was such a warm way to end our travels.
Favorite movie about transit?
Somewhat tangential, but I'd have to say Singles - a kooky yet grounded rom-com from 1992 set in the beginnings of the Seattle grunge scene. One of the main characters is an urban planner spearheading a commuter rail line project!
Want to share your answers to the “10 Questions” with us? This is a recurring feature in the Connect email newsletter and Rider’s Almanac blog and a fun way to feature and learn from you, our customers. Send an email with “10 Questions” in the subject line to [email protected]. Submission does not guarantee publication. We’ll be in touch!