Bikes and scooters on transit
Do children’s bikes fit bus or light rail train racks?
Yes, racks will hold many wheel and frame sizes, including children’s bikes.
Can you bring children’s bicycles or scooters on the inside of the bus?
Yes, non-motorized children’s bicycles and scooters are allowed as long as they can fit comfortably and not interfere with safety. The racks on light rail trains and buses will hold many sizes of bikes, including children’s sizes.
Can you bring non-standard bicycles on the train?
Tandem bikes, bikes with three or more wheels, and bike trailers (e.g. burleys, etc.) are not allowed.
My bike doesn’t fit on the vertical light rail racks? Can I still ride with it?
Yes, you may stand and hold your bicycle, but it cannot interfere with customer safety or safe operations.
Where can I park my shared bike or scooter at a light rail station or bus stop?
At METRO stations, all shared bikes and scooters must be locked to bicycle racks. Do not park e-scooters on station platforms or ramps to the platforms.
At bus stops, you cannot lock a bike to bus stop signs, in the space along the curb where buses stop, or in a way that block the accessible boarding area. Best options for parking e-bikes and scooters at a bus stop include parking around the corner from the bus stop (provided the other corner is not a bus stop), parking at bike racks, and parking next to a legally parked car.
Can I bring my rented e-bike or e-scooter on a bus or a light rail train?
Shared fleet bicycles and e-scooters ARE allowed on METRO trains. If they interfere with customer safety or safe operations, they will be removed.
Shared fleet bicycles and e-scooters are never allowed on the bus, even in the front rack.