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F Line Project

Faster transit is coming to the Route 10 corridor 

​What is the METRO F Line?

The METRO F Line is a planned bus rapid transit line that will provide faster and more reliable transit service in the Route 10 corridor between downtown Minneapolis and Northtown Transit Center along Nicollet Mall, Central Avenue, 53rd Avenue, and University Avenue.

​Bus rapid transit is a package of transit enhancements that adds up to a faster trip and an improved experience on Metro Transit’s busiest bus routes. Learn more at or watch a short video

To learn more about the F Line project: 

Metro Transit is collaborating with MnDOT on future corridor investments and the construction of the METRO F Line on Central Ave.  

Following the Metropolitan Council’s approval of the METRO F Line Final Corridor Plan in August 2023, the engineering phase of the F Line project began. Metro Transit is collaborating with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) during this phase to ensure the compatibility of future transit and roadway investments along the F Line route. 

MnDOT is planning major roadway improvements on Highways 47 and 65, as identified in a recent transportation planning study. Construction of the F Line on Central Avenue (also known as Highway 65) is now expected to begin in 2028, instead of 2025 as initially planned, to coordinate with MnDOT’s schedule in this part of the corridor. 

The coordinated Central Avenue/METRO F Line projects will provide safer and more accessible facilities for all travelers, focusing on people walking, rolling, bicycling, and riding transit.

Metro Transit and MnDOT are working together to develop the design for Central Avenue and F Line along with other improvements, and they will seek public input as the projects advance. 


Subscribe to the F Line Update to stay up to date on the project as it moves into the engineering phase.

​Project schedule 

​2022-2023: Corridor plan development 

The Metropolitan Council adopted the Central Avenue corridor (developed as part of Network Next) as the F Line in March 2021. The planning phase concluded with the adoption and approval of the final F Line Corridor Plan by the Metropolitan Council in August 2023. The approved F Line Corridor Plan identifies final station locations and key station components to inform the engineering phase.   

2023-present: Design of stations and other improvements 

​Taking policy direction from the Final Corridor Plan approved by the Metropolitan Council, the engineering phase of the project began in August 2023. Specific details such as the precise placement of shelters and other amenities within station platforms will be determined in this phase of the project.  ​ 

Twenty-five new stations are anticipated to be built as part of the F Line project. The F Line will use existing facilities at Northtown Transit Center and along Nicollet Mall.  ​​

​Project Contact 
Nasser Mussa 
Community Outreach Coordinator 
[email protected]