Face coverings are required while waiting for and riding Metro Transit buses and trains. Thank you in advance for doing your part to slow the spread.
Questions that are not addressed below may be directed to Customer Relations. Find the latest information about Metro Transit’s response to COVID-19 at metrotransit.org/health.
Why is Metro Transit requiring face coverings?
Face coverings help block the spread of respiratory droplets that can transmit the virus that causes COVID-19. Beginning Feb. 1, 2021, a federal law requires face coverings be worn on public transportation.
What kind of face coverings are recommended?
The CDC recommends wearing cloth masks that have two or more layers. Masks should cover fit snugly and cover the face and nose. Read more at cdc.gov.
How will the requirement be enforced?
The face covering requirement is posted on vehicles and at boarding locations throughout the transit system. Onboard announcements remind customers to cover their faces while riding. These educational efforts are intended to support voluntary compliance with the requirement. Those failing to comply may be subject to police enforcement.
Are there any exceptions to this requirement?
Yes. Children under 2 years old and individuals who cannot safely wear a mask because of a disability as defined by the ADA (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) are exempt from the federal requirement.
Can Metro Transit provide face coverings?
Metro Transit provided more than 400,000 masks to staff and customers in 2020. Operators and police officers may continue to carry masks and offer them to passengers who need them.