Frequently Asked Questions
What is the METRO H Line?
The METRO H Line is a planned bus rapid transit (BRT) line, like the A Line and C Line, that will provide faster and more reliable transit service in the Como/Maryland corridor served by Route 3. It will travel between downtown Minneapolis and Sun Ray Transit Center on the east side of St. Paul.
Why was the Como/Maryland corridor selected for bus rapid transit service?
The Como/Maryland corridor, currently served primarily by Route 3, was prioritized for BRT through Metro Transit’s Network Next planning efforts in 2019-2021. Through Network Next, Metro Transit evaluated 19 corridors across multiple factors including equity, ridership, and costs, and engaged the public to help prioritize our region’s next BRT lines. The Metropolitan Council acted in March 2021 to name the Como/Maryland Corridor as the H Line.
How much faster will H Line service be compared to Route 3?
The goal of the H Line is to make service approximately 20% faster than current travel time by stopping less often, allowing customers to board faster, and stopping at fewer red lights. Similar travel time improvements have been achieved on the A line and C Line.
How will future bus service levels compare with today’s Route 3?
Based on preliminary recommendations, H Line service would run every 10 minutes, seven days a week, during the day and most of the evening.
Rather than ending in downtown St. Paul like the existing Route 3, the H Line will continue east along Maryland Avenue and connect to the Sun Ray Transit Center and the planned METRO Gold Line. Customers traveling to and from downtown St. Paul will be able to make a quick and convenient connection to the planned METRO G Line on Rice Street.
Planning for local bus service will along the H Line corridor will continue as the H Line is designed and built.
What will be the frequency and hours of service?
The H Line will provide frequent service all day on weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Exact schedules and service plans will be formed through project development.
What will H Line buses look like?
The H Line will use recognizable buses that have wider aisles, more seating capacity, and all-door boarding so more people can get on and off easily. H Line customers will feel less crowded and more comfortable as they travel.

How will fares be collected on the H Line?
H Line customers will pay before boarding for faster stops using ticket machines or Go-To Card readers at the station or using Metro Transit's app on their smartphone. Customers enter the bus through any door, speeding up the boarding process. Metro Transit officers will check fare payments.
What features will H Line stations include?
H Line station features include:
- Real-time NexTrip signs with on-demand audible announcements
- Shelter lighting
- Push-button heating
- Containers for garbage and recycling
- Security cameras
- Emergency telephones
- Benches
- Bike parking

How is the project funded?
The H Line is not yet fully funded. The project will be seeking a mix of federal, state, and Metropolitan Council funds.