“How We Roll” celebrates Metro Transit employees who commute and travel to many other destinations using transit or by biking, walking or carpooling.
How do you get to and from work?
My commute might sound a little complicated, but with a little planning and communication, it’s become routine. For my morning commute, I normally drive our car to drop my son off at preschool. I bring my bike with on the car rack. In the afternoon, my wife bikes to the car, puts her bike on the rack, then drives to pick up our son. After work, I grab my bike and ride home. I also take the bus and the Northstar when I need to get somewhere faster than biking. It’s great that transit supports and encourages bikers to use transit to supplement their trips. There’s lots of great places to bike that are near transit.
What do you enjoy most about your commute?
My preferred mode of transportation is riding my bike. It combines my exercise time with my commute time. Since family obligations don’t always allow me to ride my bike, I appreciate the number of options I have. Some people really enjoy driving, but I am not one of those people. I like that I can choose to take a bus or train. That time becomes my time to plan my day and think about what I need to get done.
How do you get around outside of your commute?
We are a one-car household, so my wife and I share one vehicle. If we have a long trip outside the city, we’ll drive, but if given the option, the entire family rides our bikes. It’s not only great exercise, but it transforms the trip into an outing for the whole family, which helps keep our family close and builds memories.