Across the organization, Metro Transit employees’ work has been changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. These "In This Together" Q&As illustrate how employees are adapting both on and off the clock. Read more interviews here.

How has the pandemic affected your day-to-day work?
I work from home every day. As a customer relations specialist, my job requires an internet connection and a phone line in order to be available to our customers. My work hasn't changed -- I receive and interact with customers to address questions, concerns, and commendations for our staff.
I don't get to see my coworkers in-person, which I do miss the ability to connect and have a conversation. Also, working from home requires you to motivate yourself more.
What’s it like working through a pandemic?
I've only been with transit for a year and a half, but what I've noticed is the types of customer questions changed dramatically from when I started to March 2020. Most of the normal route or service questions quickly became focused on pandemic protocol and availability of service in general. As we suspended service and reduced service during 2020, there were lots of questions from customers who rely on us to get them where they need to go.
How has your life changed outside of work?
As a single mother of four kids aged 7-19 years old, I'm grateful to have a job and one that's flexible. As my kids return to school, they are also working from home. Being together at home allows me to help them with their distance learning and shows them what I do for work, which they think is cool. I'm also going to school for business management, so for me being home with them all day helps show them what it takes to be in the workforce and how I'm still studying to help advance my career.