Our transit facilities were built to keep you comfortable while waiting. But in many locations, it has become increasingly challenging to keep up with property damage, litter, and other unwanted behaviors.
We are committed to making facility improvements that will help make these spaces more inviting, and to bringing contracted security officers to locations where a stronger official presence is most needed.
While these solutions are in the works, the best short-term option, in some cases, is to close a facility fully or partially, or to limit hours of operation.
Beginning Thursday, March 16, the indoor waiting area on the east side of Uptown Transit Station will be temporarily closed. This is a temporary closure, and we plan to reopen this space later this year when contracted security officers are in place here and at five other locations.
While the space is closed, we’ll do a deep clean and make other repairs. Shelters outside the indoor waiting area were installed to provide some wind blockage.
The Met Council on Wednesday will vote on a proposed contract that would bring security to Uptown, the Vertical Circulation Building/Central Station in downtown Saint Paul, the Blue Line’s Lake Street/Midtown and Franklin Avenue stations, the Chicago-Lake Transit Center, and the Brooklyn Center Transit Center. Security officers could be in place as early as this spring.
Learn more about our plans to improve conditions on the system