As a young man working at a local grocery store, Duane Moore had had enough of working long hours on his feet all day.
He came across an advertisement for drivers at Metro Transit and applied. Today, he helps train other operators. But like some other applicants, he didn’t pass the course the first time around.
“A lot of people don’t understand that it’s not easy to get this job,” Moore said. “The process is important. It’s how we make sure there’s qualified operators on the road.”
He took not passing the first round in stride and came back ready to prove he was qualified. It’s one of many lessons he can teach the next generation of operators as they enter the field.
“When I started, the buses didn’t even have power steering,” Moore said. “Even then, I enjoyed being the captain on board a big bus.”
He’s had plenty of experience and new operators will notice his sleeve decorated with service awards. In 2022, he was recognized for 30 years of safe driving.
“Every five years, you gain a lot from experience on the road,” Moore said. “Some things you learn in a classroom, others from your co-workers, and others from experience.”
In the classroom, he tailors his lessons to help meet the needs of each operator. He finds they all have different strengths and different questions.
And he's not ready to slow down yet. Three decades into his career, Moore still finds himself thinking, “This job is worth it.”
Operator at a Glance: Duane Moore
- Hired: 1990
- Routes: Serves various routes as an extra-board operator
- Garage: Heywood
- Lives: Minneapolis
Hobbies: Motorcycling, boating, traveling and being with family.
Accomplishments: MPTA Bus Operator of the Year 2022, 30-year safe operator
Memorable trip: 1,200 miles round-trip on his Indian motorcycle to the National Biker Roundup in Springfield, Ill., to celebrate with 90,000 other riders.
Advice: No matter what happens, remember to take it slow and take it easy.