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Lake & Bloomington
This plan communicates two core station components: the station intersection and the location of platforms within the intersection. Other preliminary design details are provided for additional context but are conceptual and will be finalized throughout detailed design. Existing conditions are shown below for reference.
Proposed Lake & Bloomington Station Plan
The approved Final B Line Corridor Plan noted the potential for platform locations at three stations (Lake & Lyndale, Lake & Bloomington, and Lake & Cedar) to change in the future as Metro Transit, Hennepin County, and the City of Minneapolis continued to work together to study broader changes to Lake Street.
To best accommodate the recommended improvements for Lake Street, platform locations at three locations will shift from what was included in the approved Corridor Plan, placing B Line platforms in the northwest and southeast corners of these three intersections.
The Metropolitan Council approved these changes in a Corridor Plan amendment in April 2022.
Existing Conditions