World-class express bus service on Marq2

In 2009, Marquette Avenue and 2nd Avenue South (Marq2) were rebuilt to better serve the thousands of commuters who arrive in Minneapolis by express bus each day.
The Marq2 transit corridor features side-by-side bus-only lanes for faster trips through downtown as well as wider sidewalks with trees, bike racks and public art. Customer waiting shelters are heated and well-lit, with detailed transit information and NexTrip signs that count down to bus departures in real-time.
The transit improvements were part of a $133.5 million federal and state Urban Partnership Agreement, which led to a series of transportation projects to improve traffic conditions and reduce congestion on I-35W, Highway 77/Cedar Avenue and downtown Minneapolis.
Using Marq2
Marq2's bus-only lanes travel between Washington Avenue and 12th Street. On Marquette Avenue, general traffic is allowed on two northbound lanes, while the two southbound lanes are for buses only. On 2nd Avenue, general traffic is allowed in the two southbound lanes; the two northbound lanes are for buses only. Only transit buses are allowed in bus-only lanes weekdays 6 - 9 a.m. and 3 - 7 p.m.
Buses stop every other block on Marq2. Simply remember the letter for your route and board the bus at any stops marked with that letter. Stops A, B, C and D are on Marquette Avenue. Stops E, F, G and H are on 2nd Avenue. Most blocks have two stops; each stop accommodates two buses. Arriving buses will pull into the first available space to board customers. You can board through all available doors and pay your fare as you exit the bus at your destination.

Many routes on Marquette and 2nd avenues will make other downtown stops. Please consult your route schedule. Do not attempt to board any bus in the bus-only passing lanes at any time.
With NexTrip, customers can see in real time when to expect the next bus. NexTrip gives the estimated departure times for buses that are approaching the stop, based on their current position. NexTrip times can also be played by audio message at each bus stop, accessed at or by phone at 612-373-3333. Always arrive at your stop 5 minutes early.
Service on Marq2

Metro Transit, SouthWest Transit, Maple Grove Transit, Minnesota Valley Transit Authority and Plymouth Metrolink provide express bus service on Marq2. Combined, Marq2 accommodates roughly 8% of all downtown Minneapolis express trips that originate at more than 75 Park & Rides throughout the region.