Mike Jones (center) shares his delicious creations with his coworkers in Customer Relations. To celebrate Mardi Gras, he baked a traditional King Cake.
Lives: Brooklyn Park
Job: Customer Relations Specialist
Years of service: 11
How did you come to work at Metro Transit and what do you do?
After 22 years as a computer network technician, I was laid off because the company I worked for outsourced that work to another company. I moved to a retail brand for a few more years in a similar role until they moved those operations to a different state. I didn’t want to move to a different state, so I found an opening with Metro Transit. Eleven years later, I still enjoy my role in the customer service department helping customers resolve issues.
Where are you from originally? Tell us a little bit about your background.
I grew up in Topeka, Kan., and moved to Minnesota when my parents found new job opportunities. I've been living here since I was 13 years old.
What do you like the most about your work?
While I have a strong technical background, I most enjoy the challenge of solving problems, starting with calming down a customer and then helping them resolve whatever is causing them stress. Losing an item is a common problem, and I know how stressful that can be, but with a little patience I can help them find what they’ve lost in the system.
What are your favorite activities when you’re “Off the Clock”?
I love to de-stress by baking and I bake at least one cake a month, if not more. It all started when my kids were younger. I was the main cook of the family and was looking for a new outlet. I found a book on baking, read it, and was hooked. Thirty years and 47 baking pans later, you’ll find me baking cake for every occasion for my family and co-workers – birthdays, holidays, Mondays – you name it.
While I bake constantly, I rarely eat my creations. I enjoy the process of baking and seeing the enjoyment on others faces – that’s why I do it. Some of the most fun cakes I’ve baked include a pumpkin with candy filling, a unicorn, a piano and a sasquatch for a co-worker. This year, I took on a new cake challenge -- the traditional King Cake for Mardi Gras. I brought this into work to share with my coworkers on Fat Tuesday.