Metro Transit's employees are service-oriented. As such, many have joined us after a term of service in the armed forces or are still serving.
The Metropolitan Council employs nearly 400 veterans, including several Metro Transit police officers, technicians and operators. This Veterans Day, we thank them not only for their service to our riders, but to our country.

Officer Juan C. Peralta
Years with transit: 7
Service branch: Army
Years of service: 21
Peralta has had five deployments, including Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan (twice) and the Caribbean.

Capy. Erin Dietz
Years with transit: 12
Service branch: Air Force
Years of service: 8
Dietz was stationed at the 119th Fighter Wing in Fargo, ND. She served as a training supervisor for the Services Unit and crossed trained as Military Police.

Darryl Hall, Service Garage Supervisor
Years with transit: 17
Service Branch: Navy
Years of Service: 20
Hall served on the USS Canopus Submarine Tender, USS Saipan, and on Landing Craft Utility 1665. He was deployed in Panama, Japan, Port Hueneme California, and the Persian Gulf. He has traveled around the world twice though the Suez Canal.

David Sommerhauser, Rail Supervisor
Years with transit: 8
Service branch: Coast Guard
Years of service: 15
Sommerhauser’s main duties were boat operator, law enforcement, counter-terrorism, and search and rescue. He was stationed in south Florida, New Orleans, and Chicago. He also had several deployments, including the Persian Gulf and the Caribbean.
Did you know?
Disabled veterans can ride free by showing a Veteran's Identification Card issued by the Dept. of Veterans Affairs with the words "Service Connected" or "SC" below the photo. Call 612-467-1991 or visit the VA website for details.