Posted by Drew Kerr |
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 9:53:00 PM

Have you noticed solar panels on the top of some of our shelters?
Since 2022, these roof-mounted solar panels have been used to keep the lights on at 19 shelter locations in Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Minneapolis, and Saint Paul.
After seeing success at these sunny spots, another 40 shelters are now being considered for the addition of rooftop solar panels.
Shelter locations are chosen for solar suitability using a tool provided by the University of Minnesota. Battery storage helps keep the lights running at night or when the sun isn't shining.
In addition to relying on a renewable supply of energy, adding solar panels can be far less costly than adding underground electrical connections.
Solar has been used to power shelter lights for more than a decade, but the use of rooftop panels is a more-recent shift. Placing them on roofs instead of on adjacent poles removes sidewalk clutter and allows the panels to stay with the shelter if it ever needs to be relocated.
Learn more about our work to improve and expand our shelter network