Metro Transit on social media
Metro Transit’s presence on social media platforms creates a forum for conversations about issues that are important to customers. Social media allows Metro Transit to share information beyond the conventional web experience. However, Metro Transit encourages anyone interested in more information to visit its official website,
Metro Transit's use of social media is intended to encourage interaction between the user and Metro Transit. Metro Transit cannot verify or confirm the accuracy of user comments or their compliance with the guidelines outlined here. Metro Transit does not endorse any of the views in comments posted by users.
Metro Transit's social media accounts are not official Metro Transit websites, but rather its presence on a third-party service provider’s platform, which means Metro Transit has limited control over how each platform uses personal data provided by users. Users are encouraged to read the privacy policy of each social media platform in advance of engaging with Metro Transit via these platforms.
As a reminder, communications with Metro Transit, whether on social media or in an e-mail or traditional mail, are subject to Minn. Stat. Chapter 13, the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Generally speaking, social media and e-mail interactions are public information, and are subject to disclosure, according to that Act.
Metro Transit recommends that users of social media platforms refrain from including personal information that they wish to remain confidential when interacting with the Metro Transit's social media accounts.
In an effort to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and other laws, including copyright laws, Metro Transit may seek to limit or remove information from social media platforms. For example, it may limit or remove information pertaining to Metro Transit personnel, whose personnel data are generally protected under the Act. Metro Transit takes public comments seriously and will consider comments. Removal of data from a social media platform does not mean that the comments were not given appropriate consideration.
Additional information
If you are looking for more information about the agency, visit the About Metro Transit section of
Contact information
Metro Transit’s social media accounts are managed by its Customer Services & Marketing division. Contact us at [email protected].
Media inquiries
If you are a member of the media seeking information, formal comment or an interview with someone from Metro Transit, please contact Communications Manager Drew Kerr at 651-387-3928 or [email protected].
For information, formal comment or interview with someone from the Metro Transit Police Department, please contact Public Information Officer Nikki Muehlhausen at 763-264-9913 or [email protected].

Metro Transit's official Facebook page is People who follow or “like” Metro Transit's Facebook page can expect regular posts covering some or all of the following:
- Information about special events and free-ride promotions
- Updates on time-sensitive service updates (bus, light rail and commuter rail)
- Reminders about Metro Transit policies and practices
- Alerts about impending route or schedule changes
- News releases and links to stories about Metro Transit happenings at
- Information about public meetings
- Polls and opportunities to provide feedback on Metro Transit initiatives
- Shared content from other organizations that partner with Metro Transit
Shared content
Metro Transit may also occasionally share content from other Facebook users or websites it thinks may be of interest to its followers, and that support Metro Transit's goals.
Links to other resources are provided solely for the convenience of users and are intended to point users to additional information that may add perspective for users. Metro Transit is not responsible for the accuracy, currency, or reliability of the content of these links. It does not offer any guarantee in that regard and is not responsible for the information found through these links, nor does it explicitly or implicitly endorse these sites or their content.
Comment policy
Metro Transit encourages members of the community to interact on issues of regional significance with Metro Transit, its members and staff, and one another via Metro Transit's Facebook page. We expect that fans and others will interact in a respectful manner.
Individual users are fully responsible for anything they post in comments, including links, videos/photos and other material.
Metro Transit does not agree with or endorse every comment that individuals post on our pages. Our goal is to share ideas and information with as many individuals as possible and our policy is to accept the majority of comments made to our profile.
However, consistent with information elsewhere in this statement, comments may be removed and users blocked for the following behaviors:
- Threats of violence or other potentially criminal behavior,
- Hate speech,
- Profanity, obscenity or vulgarity,
- Nudity in profile pictures,
- Defamation to a person or people,
- Name calling and/or personal attacks,
- Comments specific to a person’s employment with the Metropolitan Council/Metro Transit that may be considered non-public information or require further investigation,
- Comments whose main purpose are to sell a product,
- Comments that infringe on copyrights,
- Spam comments, such as the same comment posted repeatedly on a profile,
- Links to non-relevant sites (that could be construed as spam), and
Other comments that Metro Transit deems inappropriate.
All links posted as comments on Metro Transit posts will be reviewed and may be deleted.
For questions regarding this policy or interacting with Metro Transit via Facebook, contact us at [email protected].
Posting frequency
The number of posts per day will vary. Most posts and responses will occur weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST.
Metro Transit's Facebook updates are subject to downtime that may be out of its control, because Facebook servers are managed by a third party. Metro Transit accepts no responsibility for the Facebook network becoming unresponsive or unavailable.
Liking and sharing
Metro Transit follows and likes other Metropolitan Council-related Facebook pages, pages of local governments throughout the Twin Cities region, and relevant state and federal agencies. Metro Transit may also “like” organizations it has partnered with for specific efforts or whose work is relevant to its mission.
Metro Transit's decision to “like” a particular Facebook page, or the appearance of a user as a follower of Metro Transit, does not imply endorsement of any kind.
Metro Transit content is also intended to be shared, and users are encouraged to share content it finds relevant or interesting.

Metro Transit’s Twitter account is not an official website. It represents Metro Transit’s presence on Twitter, a third-party service provider. Users are encouraged to read Twitter’s privacy policy.
It’s important for users to remember that communications with Metro Transit, whether on Twitter or in an e-mail or via traditional mail, are subject to Minn. Stat. Chapter 13, the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Generally speaking, Twitter and e-mail interactions are public information, and are subject to disclosure, according to that act.
To protect your own privacy and the privacy of others, do not include personal information in comments or other content you post.
Metro Transit’s official Twitter account - @MetroTransitMN, alerts transit customers to service changes, touts promotional activities and keeps followers up-to-date with Metro Transit happenings.
If you follow @MetroTransitMN, you can expect regular broadcasts (tweets) covering some or all of the following among others:
- Notifications of special events and free-ride promotions
- Updates on time-sensitive service updates (bus, light rail and commuter rail)
- Reminders about Metro Transit policies and practices
- Alerts about impending route or schedule changes
- News releases and links to stories about Metro Transit happenings at
Retweets and Links to Other Websites
We may also occasionally tweet or retweet (RT) content from other users we think may be of interest to our followers, and that share Metro Transit’s goals. Generally speaking, that content will originate from:
- Metropolitan Council
- Organizations partnering with Metro Transit
- Transportation-related groups in the Twin Cities
- Stakeholders and non-profit organizations
Metro Transit views Twitter as a tool for providing information and connecting customers with answers about transit questions. Links to other resources are provided solely for the convenience of users and are intended to point users to additional information that may add perspective for users. Metro Transit is not responsible for the accuracy, currency or reliability of the content of these links. Metro Transit does not offer any guarantee in that regard and is not responsible for the information found through these links, nor does it explicitly endorse these sites or their content.
Tweet frequency
The number of tweets per day will vary. Followers can expect to receive tweets regularly on weekdays between 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. CST. Activity during holidays, after regular business hours, and on weekends is less frequent. During a significant service disruption, you can expect tweets be issued regardless of time or day.
Metro Transit’s Twitter updates are also subject to downtime that may be out of its control, because Twitter servers are managed by a third party. We accept no responsibility for the Twitter network becoming unresponsive or unavailable
Following and unfollowing
At this time, Metro Transit follows other transit- and transportation-related Twitter accounts and the accounts of cities and counties within the region. We may also follow partner organizations and other organizations whose work is relevant to the mission of the Metro Transit.
Metro Transit’s decision to follow a particular Twitter account, or the appearance of a user as a @MetroTransitMN follower, does not imply endorsement of any kind. Generally speaking, Metro Transit does not follow individuals, except those who act as spokespeople for relevant partner organizations.
Direct messages and @replies
Metro Transit encourages feedback and interaction via Twitter. We will read @replies and direct messages. Information will be forwarded as necessary to individuals within Metro Transit.
We may not reply individually to all messages. Also, since Metro Transit does not follow individual users, it may be difficult to conduct a full conversation on Twitter. We encourage individuals to instead send questions to [email protected] or complete on online comment form. Information that results from these inquiries may be posted to Twitter at a later date for the benefit of all Metro Transit followers.

Metro Transit's official handle (or username) is @MetroTransitMN and can be found on the Instagram app available in the App Store on iTunes or on Google Play. The official Metro Transit Instagram profile can also be found at Metro Transit's Instagram contains a stream of images and videos depicting the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area transit system including, but not limited to the following:
- Behind-the-scenes photos/videos
- Information about special events, free-ride promotions and contests
- Updates on transit improvement projects
- Alerts about impending route or schedule changes
- Links/previews of stories and news related to Metro Transit available at
- Information about public meetings
- Historical media
- Reminders about Metro Transit policies and practices
- Shared content from other organizations that partner with Metro Transit
- Shared content from other Instagram users who grant Metro Transit permission to repost images or videos
- Images and videos of Metro Transit customers
Shared content
Metro Transit may occasionally share content from other Instagram users or websites it thinks may be of interest to its followers, and that support Metro Transit's goals. Metro Transit will first seek permission in these cases.
Metro Transit is not responsible for the accuracy, currency, or reliability of the content of such shared media. It does not offer any guarantee in that regard and is not responsible for the information found through such shared media, nor does it explicitly or implicitly endorse these users or their content.
Liking and re-posts
Metro Transit follows other Instagram users and may like or comment on their content from time-to-time. Metro Transit may also follow organizations it has partnered with for specific efforts or whose work is relevant to its mission.
Metro Transit's decision to follow a particular Instagram user, or the appearance of a user as a follower of Metro Transit, does not imply endorsement of any kind.
Comment policy
Metro Transit encourages members of the community to interact on issues of regional significance with Metro Transit, its members and staff, and one another via Metro Transit's Instagram content. We expect others to interact in a respectful manner.
Individual users are fully responsible for anything they post in comments, including links, videos/photos and other content.
Metro Transit does not agree with or endorse every comment that individuals post on our content. Our goal is to share ideas and information with as many individuals as possible and our policy is to accept the majority of comments made on the content we publish.
However, consistent with information elsewhere in this statement, comments may be removed and users blocked for the following behaviors:
- Threats of violence or other potentially criminal behavior,
- Hate speech,
- Profanity, obscenity or vulgarity,
- Nudity in profile pictures,
- Defamation to a person or people,
- Name calling and/or personal attacks,
- Comments specific to a person's employment with the Metropolitan Council/Metro Transit that may be considered non-public information or require further investigation,
- Comments whose main purpose are to sell a product,
- Comments that infringe on copyrights,
- Spam comments, such as the same comment posted repeatedly on a profile,
- Links to non-relevant sites (that could be construed as spam), and
- Other comments that Metro Transit deems inappropriate.
All links posted as comments on Metro Transit posts will be reviewed and may be deleted.
For questions regarding this policy or interacting with Metro Transit via Instagram, contact us at [email protected].
Metro Transit utilizes unique hashtags and existing hashtags generated by other Instagram users to categorize content, find and/or share related media and execute contests. As is the nature of hashtags, users are welcome to tag their own images and videos using the unique hashtags created by Metro Transit or other Instagram users. The inclusion of a hashtag on a Metro Transit Instagram post does not imply endorsement of any kind. Users who tag their content using the same hashtags should be responsible and follow the same guidelines as aforementioned in the comment policy.
Direct photo sharing
Metro Transit may sometimes choose to share content directly with a single user or group of Instagram users in order to reach a defined audience or otherwise make contact without pushing out content to the general public. It should be noted that such content is intended for the chosen user(s) and sharing such content is not the intent.
Posting frequency
The number of posts per day will vary. Most posts and responses will occur weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST.
Metro Transit's Instagram images and profile are subject to downtime that may be out of its control, because Instagram servers are managed by a third party. Metro Transit accepts no responsibility for the Instagram app becoming unresponsive or unavailable.
Following and unfollowing
At this time, Metro Transit follows other transit- and transportation-related Instagram accounts and the accounts of cities and counties within the region. We may also follow partner organizations and other organizations whose work is relevant to the mission of Metro Transit. Metro Transit's decision to follow a particular Instagram account, or the appearance of a user as a @MetroTransitMN follower, does not imply endorsement of any kind.

Copyright info
Images on on our Flickr page may not be used in any manner likely to cause confusion among customers, or in any manner that disparages or discredits Metro Transit. Images may not be modified in any way that substantially alters the content, subject or meaning of the image. Use of an image must be accompanied by a photo credit to “Metro Transit.” All images copyright Metro Transit.
Metro Transit's Flickr username is MetroTransitMN and its profile can also be found at Metro Transit's Flickr photostream contains images and videos depicting the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area transit system including, but not limited to the following:
- Images of buses and trains
- Metro Transit facilities and surrounding areas
- Behind-the-scenes photos
- Updates on transit improvement projects
- Photos from public meetings and other agency events
- Historical media
- Images and videos of Metro Transit employees and customers
Photo sets
Metro Transit uses sets to help organize photos. Some of our sets include general collections for the METRO lines or buses while others are event- or location-specific sets. Metro Transit's logos are also included on our Flickr account. For assistance finding a particular image for use on a website or other publication, please contact Ryan Miller at [email protected].
Comment policy
Metro Transit encourages members of the community to interact on issues of regional significance with Metro Transit, its members and staff, and one another via Metro Transit's Flickr content. We expect others to interact in a respectful manner.
Individual users are fully responsible for anything they post in comments, including links, videos/photos and other content.
Metro Transit does not agree with or endorse every comment that individuals post on our content. Our goal is to share ideas and information with as many individuals as possible and our policy is to accept the majority of comments made on the content we publish.
However, consistent with information elsewhere in this statement, comments may be removed and users blocked for the following behaviors:
- Threats of violence or other potentially criminal behavior,
- Hate speech,
- Profanity, obscenity or vulgarity,
- Nudity in profile pictures,
- Defamation to a person or people,
- Name calling and/or personal attacks,
- Comments specific to a person's employment with the Metropolitan Council/Metro Transit that may be considered non-public information or require further investigation,
- Comments whose main purpose are to sell a product,
- Comments that infringe on copyrights,
- Spam comments, such as the same comment posted repeatedly on a profile,
- Links to non-relevant sites (that could be construed as spam), and
- Other comments that Metro Transit deems inappropriate.
All links posted as comments on Metro Transit posts will be reviewed and may be deleted.
For questions regarding this policy or interacting with Metro Transit via Flickr, contact us at [email protected].
Tagging photos
Metro Transit utilizes photo metadata to better organize files and improve searchability. This may include existing tags generated by other Flickr users to categorize content. The inclusion of a tag within Metro Transit Flickr content does not imply endorsement of any kind. Users who use similar tags should be responsible and follow the same guidelines as aforementioned in the comment policy.
Posting frequency
Metro Transit will post new photos or create sets when new public content is available.
Metro Transit's images and profile on Flickr are subject to downtime that may be out of its control, because Flickr servers are managed by a third party. Metro Transit accepts no responsibility for becoming unresponsive or unavailable.
Following and unfollowing
At this time, Metro Transit follows other transit- and transportation-related Flickr accounts and the accounts of cities and counties within the region. We may also follow organizations or individuals whose work is relevant to the mission of Metro Transit. Metro Transit's decision to follow a particular Flickr account, or the appearance of a user as a MetroTransitMN follower, does not imply endorsement of any kind.

People who subscribe or view Metro Transit's YouTube channel – – can expect video content that relates to Metro Transit's mission and goals.
Shared content
Metro Transit may occasionally share content from other YouTube channels or websites it thinks may be of interest to its followers, and that support its goals.
Links to other resources are provided solely for the convenience of users and are intended to point users to additional information that may add perspective for users. Metro Transit is not responsible for the accuracy, currency, or reliability of the content of these links. Metro Transit does not offer any guarantee in that regard and is not responsible for the information found through these links, nor does it explicitly or implicitly endorse these sites or their content.
Posting frequency
Metro Transit will post videos regularly, as they are produced.
Metro Transit's YouTube Channel is subject to downtime that may be out of its control, because YouTube servers are managed by a third party. Metro Transit accepts no responsibility for the YouTube network becoming unresponsive or unavailable.
Metro Transit strives to post accessible content both on its web pages and third-party, social media platforms. Metro Transit uses YouTube’s built-in closed-captioning feature, which requires occasional editing for accuracy and clarity. Upon request, videos may be translated into other languages. If the captioning on a video needs adjusting, for more information about accessibility standards or to ask a question, contact Metro Transit at [email protected].
Liking and Sharing
Metro Transit will follow other YouTube channels, channels of local governments throughout the Twin Cities region, and relevant state and federal agencies. Metro Transit may also follow organizations it has partnered with for specific efforts or whose work is relevant to its mission.
Metro Transit's decision to follow or subscribe to a particular channel, share a video, or the appearance of a user as a follower of Metro Transit, does not imply endorsement of any kind.
Comment Policy
Metro Transit does not allow posting of comments on its YouTube channel.
For questions regarding this policy or interacting with Metro Transit via YouTube, contact Metro Transit at [email protected].