Share the ride with Metro Vanpool

If you have a long commute, consider joining a vanpool; it may be your best option. You can’t beat the savings and relaxation!
Metro Vanpool is a regional program, subsidized by the Metropolitan Council, to help meet the commuting needs of commuters who reside or work in the seven-county metropolitan area. Vanpools have five to 15 people sharing the ride to and from work an average of three or more days a week. Each van has a volunteer driver and back-up driver(s).
Why vanpool?
- Dramatically reduced commuting costs
- Reduced commute-related stress
- Shorter commute times
- Multiple vehicle choices
- Help reduce greenhouse gases
- Commuter Tax Benefit
How to qualify
Participants must live or work in one of these counties: Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott or Washington.
Vans must carry a minimum of five people (including the driver) who share the ride at least three days a week.
To be eligible to rent a van, prospective drivers must:
- be 25 years old or older
- possess a valid driver’s license in his or her state of residence
- have a good driving record and allow Commute with Enterprise to review their record
Vanpool costs
Funding from the Metropolitan Council helps subsidize the overall cost of renting a Metro Vanpool van, making it even more affordable. The average cost is $110 per month for each participant.
Metro Vanpools that operate exclusively within the seven-county metropolitan area receive a 55% subsidy on van rental. Metro Vanpools that start in or are traveling to locations outside the seven-county metropolitan area receive a 50% subsidy on van rental.
Check with your employer—you could lower your costs even more. In some cases, employers also help cover vanpool expenses.
Vanpoolers set up their individual monthly fares based on expenses, including the van rental, monthly mileage, gas and parking expenses.
Costs are determined by:
- Distance traveled
- Size of van being rented
- Number of passengers
- Amount of Metropolitan Council subsidy
- Amount of employer subsidy
Vans are rented monthly to the vanpool’s primary driver. Commute with Enterprise (a renting company contracted by the Metropolitan Council) establishes the rental rates and offers types of vans (7-, 12- or 15-passenger vans) available. The rent covers the van, insurance, maintenance, repairs, and 24-hour roadside assistance.
Driver benefits
Primary drivers ride free in exchange for driving and coordination responsibilities.
Primary drivers can use the Metro Vanpool van for some personal trips (up to 250 miles per month).
Primary drivers receive $100 after the first six months of driving and $100 annually thereafter. One back-up driver receives $50 after the first six months of driving and $50 annually thereafter.
Get started!
Meet with your vanpool group and complete both forms determining who will be a driver, driver back-up, and what the vanpool route and stops will be.
Email the completed forms to [email protected]. If you have further questions, call 651-602-VANS. We can meet with you and members of your vanpool to answer questions.
Get registered
Vanpoolers are eligible for the Guaranteed Ride Home program as part of your registration on the rideshare database. Trips must be a part of your school or work commute. Acceptable uses include leaving work due to illness or having to pick up a sick child, having to work unexpected overtime, or if your vanpool is not available to leave when needed. Registered vanpool participants can request reimbursements for 24-hour Enterprise rental car, transit or cab fare reimbursement up to four times per year or $100 in value, whichever comes first, for eligible trips with valid documentation.