Buses that will be used on the region’s first arterial Bus Rapid Transit line are beginning to arrive.
The first of 12 BRT buses that will be used on the A Line, #8000, was delivered on Friday, Nov. 27. The remainder of the fleet is scheduled to arrive by mid-January and the buses will go into service when the A Line opens next year.
The BRT buses have several similarities with other 40-foot Gillig buses already in service, but include several features that will make boarding more efficient.
A wider rear door allows customers two points of entry and exit and there are no fareboxes, since customers will pay prior to boarding and buses also have more space for mobility devices and standing customers.
BRT buses are distinguished from regular route buses by their unique exterior coloring, brighter digital displays and rounded edges.
In addition to the buses, Revenue Operations has begun receiving ticket-vending machines that will be used at A Line stations along Snelling Avenue, Ford Parkway and 46th Street. The ticket machines will be installed along with other station features like real-time signs beginning next year.
Heavy station platform construction is nearly complete at the A Line's 20 stations.
The A Line will supplement Route 84 service, providing faster and more frequent service for customers traveling longer distances.
There are 11 arterial BRT lines planned for the region, including the C Line which is scheduled to be under construction on Penn Avenue in 2017.
Future arterial BRT lines and the METRO Orange Line that will bring BRT to Interstate 35W are expected to have 60-foot buses with three doors for customers to board and exit.
> Learn more about the A Line and subscribe to project updates
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> Star Tribune: Tech for local bus overhaul rolls into Metro Transit