Metro Transit is selecting the next planned arterial bus rapid transit lines
The Arterial BRT Plan Update will identify the next three planned arterial bus rapid transit (BRT) lines – the J, K, and L lines – planned to open between 2030 and 2035. These lines will join the growing METRO network of fast, frequent, all-day service between comfortable stations with enhanced amenities.
The Plan Update will start from 17 candidate corridors and narrow down to the J, K, and L lines through technical evaluation, public feedback, and coordination with cities, counties, and MnDOT.
Please review the initial candidate corridors to learn more and share your feedback.
Candidate corridors
These initial candidate corridors are the starting point for the Plan Update. These corridors were chosen from:
- Corridors identified as good candidates for arterial BRT from past BRT planning efforts
- Existing high frequency, high ridership local routes
- Future high frequency local routes identified in Network Now, Metro Transit’s vision for local transit service through 2027
- Corridors identified by agency partners for consideration
From here, Metro Transit will screen, evaluate, and prioritize these corridors to narrow down to the J, K, and L lines over the course of the Plan Update process.
Four-step planning process

To identify the J, K, and L lines, the Plan Update will follow a four-step planning process, narrowing down from the initial candidate corridors to the J, K, and L lines. This work is planned to conclude by the end of 2025.
- Step 1 – Identify (Spring 2025): Metro Transit has identified 17 candidate corridors for consideration.
- Step 2 – Screen (Summer 2025): Apply screening criteria to narrow the candidates down to the most promising corridors for additional consideration.
- Step 3 – Evaluate (Fall 2025): Develop the most promising corridors in more detail and rank them using technical evaluation criteria.
- Step 4 – Prioritize (Winter 2025/6): Apply readiness criteria and coordinate with planned roadway projects to prioritize the next three lines as the J, K, and L lines.
Opportunities to review and provide feedback will follow each step. Please subscribe to the Arterial BRT Plan Update newsletter to stay up to date and learn more about opportunities to provide feedback.
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