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G Line Corridor Plan

G Line Corridor Plan 

​Read the Final Corridor Plan. 

What is the Final Corridor Plan?

  • The Final Corridor Plan is the third and final version of the G Line corridor plan. The recommended station and platform locations are based on community and partner agency feedback received on the Draft Corridor Plan and Recommended Corridor Plan. The Final Corridor Plan will be brought to the Metropolitan Council for approval in winter 2025. Approval of the Final Corridor Plan sets the general locations of platforms within the intersection. Detailed engineering will begin once the Final Corridor Plan is approved. 
  • The Recommended Corridor Plan was the second version of the plan. The release of the Recommended Corridor Plan started a 30-day public comment period from Sept. 25 to Oct. 25, 2024.  
  • The Draft Corridor Plan was the first version of the plan. It was released for public review and comment between Sept. 25 to Nov. 6, 2023.

The Final Corridor Plan includes:  

  • Maps of recommended G Line stations and platforms  
  • Detailed descriptions of BRT station amenities and service characteristics 
  • Potential changes to local service in the corridor  
  • Potential bus priority treatments