There is zero tolerance for sexual harassment on transit. If you have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment on transit and wish to share your experience, report it to Metro Transit. Reporting your experience helps keep our system respectful and safe.
To report a complaint about a Metro Transit employee, use the Service or Employee form.
What is sexual harassment?
- Has anyone kept talking to you after you asked to be left alone?
- Have unwanted comments about your appearance made you feel uncomfortable?
- Has someone stared at you in a way that made you feel unsafe?
Metro Transit defines sexual harassment as any unwanted interaction, including comments, gestures and touching that is forced upon a person. Examples include physical and verbal sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, exposing and/or touching private parts, and verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct or communication that is hostile, derogatory, offensive, or exploitive relative to the gender of another individual or group.
Metro Transit is partnering with Cornerstone, the Minnesota-based organization that runs the Day One Services program. Please visit its website to find support, resources, and services for victims of not only sexual harassment but also domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking, and general crime.