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Purple Line BRT Project

Station Area Planning

Rush Line station area planning meeting

What is Station Area Planning?

Station area planning supports development of housing and businesses near transit stations. It also identifies ways to make it safer to walk and bike to transit stations.

Examples of questions in station area planning include:

  • Which sidewalks or street crossings need to be safer?
  • What kinds of development would be good for your neighborhood (housing, retail, etc.)?   
  • What properties in your neighborhood would you like to see redeveloped?

Station Area Working Group Summit

Station Area Working Group participants first met on September 12, 2023 to learn about Purple Line and Station Area Planning. These participants represented the 10th Street through Cook Avenue stations. Attendees discussed their hopes, fears, and goals for their station area(s). Find presentation slides and notes from the meeting at the links below. There is also an overview of Metro Transit’s efforts on transit safety and security, a main concern among participants.

Summit Materials

Station Area Working Groups: First round of meetings

The five Station Area Working Groups each met once in October or November. Participants completed asset mapping and visioning exercises for the half mile areas around their assigned stations. Comments fell into three main categories: transportation infrastructure and maintenance (e.g., the need for better sidewalks and snow removal), amenities and services (e.g., the need for more groceries and retail options, affordable housing, community gardens, and public bathrooms), and public safety (e.g., the need for improved lighting and surveillance). Summaries and raw notes from the October and November meetings are available at the links below. Station Area Planning staff used the meeting notes to craft draft goals and actions to discuss with working groups at the next round of meetings in January and February 2024.

October/November meeting materials: Summaries and raw notes





Station Area Working Groups: Second round of meetings

The five Station Area Working Groups each met once in January or February. Participants discussed draft goals and actions. Summaries from the January and February meetings are available at the links below. Station Area Planning staff are currently using feedback from these meetings to update the draft goals and actions, which working groups will analyze at the next round of meetings in July 2024.

January/February Meeting Summaries


Please contact to learn more about Station Area Planning and the Station Area Working Groups.