Public Engagement
Johnson Parkway
Parallel engagement efforts for the Johnson Parkway crossing options for the White Bear Avenue Corridor in Saint Paul occurred during this period as well (June-July 2024). The purpose was to inform the public and solicit feedback about three Johnson Parkway Crossing design options (see Appendix G for Johnson Parkway Crossing engagement summary results).
In Spring/Summer 2024, project staff evaluated aspects of the White Bear Avenue and Bruce Vento Regional Trail corridors in addition to developing roadway and transit design options for the White Bear Avenue corridor.
The White Bear Ave Corridor options involve BRT operating along Maryland, White Bear, and Beam avenues north of Maryland Avenue to the Maplewood Mall area. The Bruce Vento Regional Trail Corridor involves BRT co-locating with the Bruce Vento Regional Trail north of Maryland Avenue to the Maplewood Mall area. Project staff also shared information and received input on the White Bear Ave Corridor design options, including a new narrowed center-running transit lanes option in Saint Paul—introduced after the spring 2024 engagement effort. Parallel engagement efforts on the Johnson Parkway Crossing and Arcade Street Station occurred during this period as well (see Appendix G for Johnson Parkway Crossing engagement summary).
The goals and objectives of this engagement period included:
Spring / Summer 2024 Engagement Summary and Appendices
Spring / Summer 2024 Engagement Summary - PDF Download - Full Summary

View the engineering drawings in each section of the White Bear Ave Corridor through the links below. These are conceptual and intended to provide a frame of reference for community members to see how the Purple Line could fit in their neighborhood.
White Bear Avenue Corridor Animations - Click Here for Video (Vimeo)
Meetings and Events
Sign up for email updates to be notified about future opportunities to engage with the METRO Purple Line project. If you would like Purple Line project staff to come to your event or meeting, contact us at [email protected]
Upcoming Events
- No upcoming events scheduled
Past Meetings & Events
- Sun World Supermarket Tabling, Thursday, August 1, 3-4:30 p.m.| Sun World Supermarket - 892 Arcade St, Saint Paul, MN 55106
- Centromex Supermercado Tabling, Thursday August 1, 5-6:30 p.m. | Centromex Supermercado - 793 7th St E, St Paul, MN 55106
- Hmong Village Tabling, Saturday August 3, 12-2:00 p.m. | Hmong Village - In the produce area
- MN Philippine Center Tabling, Sunday, August 4, 11-1:30 p.m. | 1380 Frost Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55109
- National Night Out, Tuesday, August 6 | Multiple locations in the community
About Us
A well-informed and engaged public strengthens the project and helps create a more useful transit system for all. The Metropolitan Council, Metro Transit, and the project’s local funding partner, Ramsey County, understand the need to engage corridor stakeholders in the development of project details and in fostering broad support for the project as a necessary investment to improve access and mobility to employment, educational and economic opportunities within the corridor and beyond.
Purple Line project staff will seek to engage corridor residents, businesses, organizations, and transit customers in the project planning process to solicit their input and address their needs and concerns. Concerted effort will also be given to communities that have been traditionally underrepresented in transit planning processes: people of color, low-income communities, people with limited English proficiency (LEP), people with disabilities, and other historically marginalized groups.
Liz Jones, Community Outreach & Engagement Lead
[email protected] or 651-602-1977
Colin Owens, Community Outreach & Engagement or 612-618-0495